Friday, May 22, 2009

And my day sucked....

Woke up realising there's nothing left of me.
The traces I've been looking for is all gone.
And most importantly,
I've completely lost self control.

The very moment I stand here in the midst of this busy world, I thought,"Wouldn't it be a nice thing if I just fade away...Like how I used to?"

My life flashes images of beauty and awe as I decide to fly with the wind. Not caring what the world will think of me. It's just me...

The weight of the world is heavy upon my weak shoulders. And I'll always know, You're always there to carry me. Be ready to pick me up as I fall. Crying as I beg of You to have mercy upon my wrongdoings. I saw You sitting there, bright and pure as You should be. And then...


It hit me so hard, and I have no place to hide. I have nothing to make You happy. I'm just noone... But You choose to die for a nobody like me. Why? Lying naked on the floor, You came carrying the best linen in the world to cover me. I choked, "Why are You doing this?"

Because I Love You

And soon I know the hit from reality, is to bring me back to Your side forever. Not leaving anymore.

0 Praises and Letters: