Saturday, January 12, 2008

So Sorry peeps

Hey, just wanna apologise for the late update and stuffs...Cuz I've been shifting houses and well, my new house doesn't have the online system thingy and there's no wireless around this area..sooooo...Well..sorry alrite??

Moving and shifting houses are great work. I've got to assemble my own bed and oso my table and most of the things in my room. ^^ It was quite fun actually...The tiring part is where i have to move all my belongings and my parent's belongings to ht new house and and.....and.....haihz.. >.< Lotsa things to tell ya guys..not much time though..

How i got to update this time? Well, my dad kinda asked and registered for the streamyx ler... So now i got to use the comp and the bad thing is there's still no wireless..Meaning i still have to fight over the comp with my siblings to gain my position to update my blog...^^

Well, Happy New Year to ya peeps..And oso really late merry chirstmas.. O.Oll

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