Thursday, September 18, 2008

Prelude to Chapter 6

You've cut me open...

Don't leave me hanging there by a thread, and there goes my happy ending.

Blog: So what's been happening lately?

Yvanna: Nothing much, just changed my name and also did a surprise bday

Blog: Who did that for you? Was it yesterday?

Yvanna: Yeah, Jac planned for me. But in the end everyone just hang around
in ZEN. Nothing extraordinary happened.

Blog: So why do you sounded all so emo and sad?

Yvanna: Well, a lot of performance's stress' been getting to me. And
getting sensitive over some unimportant stuffs. Overall, I'm content of my
ability to dance and let it all out to God if I want to.

Blog: What performance is next?

Yvanna: Trust me..You wouldn't wanna know..It's cheerleading.(Shaking her
head off) But before that we're performing Step Up 2. I took the main girl's
part. I hope Tom will let me do with ease. Me and Mandy got a solo part in She's got no money in the bank. We're performing in the new club
opening behind StarhillI.

Blog: Great!! Continue to update me whenever possible. I bet those who are
reding me wanted to see your dance.

Yvanna: I will upload the videos. But I have to place it in Youtube 1st. So it's gonna take a while.

0 Praises and Letters: